10 thoughts that should never enter your mind.

There is a demonic ongoing siege on our minds!
It is therefore important to raise the defence of the knowledge of Christ and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Cor 10:4-6 “Because the carnal mind is enmity against God” Rom 8:7.
10 type of thoughts never allowed:
The following are a list of cognitive distortions; thoughts we should never allow to have any occupation in our minds. These thoughts have no outcome, cannot be accomplish, it occupies your mind and lead to death and destruction.
- Blaming: Anna Russell ‘Psychiatric Folksong’ touches on this very human tendency, to always blame others, instead of taking responsibility and own up to our own weaknesses. This sinful tendency was evident at the original sin. Genesis 3:8–13.
At three I had a feeling of
Ambivalence toward my brothers
And so it follows naturally
That I poisoned all my lovers.
But now I’m happy; I have learned
The lesson this has taught,
That everything I do that’s wrong
Is someone else’s fault.
We believe it is someone else’s fault, instead of seeing and recognising our part. The reality is: blaming does not change anything. If someone has done you evil: rebuke them Luk 17:3. Or go and make a case at the police, and let the law take its course, to punish the wrong doer. Blaming, leads to gossip and slander, and murmuring. Faith cannot exist in this atmosphere.
- Suspicion: apprehensive, careful, cautious, doubtful, incredulous, jealous, mistrustful, sceptical, watchful, in doubt, questioning, suspect, suspecting, unbelieving, without belief, without faith. Suspicion is the belief that others are deceptive or malevolent without evidence. A suspicious mind is the result of a lack of intimacy or deep meaningful friendships. Trust issues often come from early life experiences and interactions. These experiences often take place in childhood. Some people do not get enough care and acceptance as children. Others are abused, violated, or mistreated. These things may lead to difficulty trusting as an adult. Social rejection in one’s teens may shape their ability to trust. Some teens are bullied or treated as outcasts by peers. This can influence later relationships. Being betrayed or belittled by others impacts self-esteem. Self-esteem also plays a large role in a person’s capacity to trust. People with low self-esteem may be less likely to trust others. Those with higher self-esteem may be more self-assured. Jesus knew people’s thoughts, and what is in them, yet he never became suspicious and cautious, he continued to love, heal, deliver them and do good. John 2:23-25 He knew that Judas will betray Him Mat 26:25, and Peter would deny Him Mat 26:34, yet He kept His course.
- Guessing: “Folly is pleasure to him who is without heart and sense, but a man of understanding walks uprightly [making straight his course]. Where there is no counsel, purposes are frustrated, but with many counselors they are accomplished.”Prov 15:21-22. Academic studies forces you into a pattern, of grounding your thoughts on empirical researched facts. This requires hard work, confrontation, and deliberate scrutinization of statements or information. Presumptions not based on factual data, is foolish. Guessing also leads to the imagination getting out of hand. Guessing has led to people making grave mistakes in their life.
- Worry: If worry worked, start a business and employ professional worry-ers, who can grow the business! Therefore I tell you, stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life.Mat 6:25 “Be anxious for nothing” Phil 4:6 Worry causes you to only see the troubles, not the solutions. You get fixated with what can go wrong, instead of the possibilities. Worry cannot produce anything. If you have reason to worry, act on it. This is good and healthy. If worried about your finances: Reduce your expenses, start saving, give up some luxuries.
- Projecting: We usually project our own views, character, values, and views on others, thinking they ought to think like us. The truth is however: most people do not. “This person should have done this or that, because it is what I would have done.” Is totally unproductive. This is what led Elijah to become so depressed after calling fire from heaven. 1 Kings 19:4. He was expecting that Ahab & Jezebel would turn their hearts to God and repent of their evil. They did not, instead they send messengers to kill him.
- Negative faith: Getting bad news, be usually by faith can imagen the worst. This has not yet happened, but we believe it. This is faith, but faith based on your fears, not on God’s spoken word. A good heart is willing to take risks to act against negative expectations and belittling stereotypes when dealing with a person. Paul said, “Love believes all things, hopes all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7). I think he meant that love strives to believe and hope for the best, not the worst.
- Regrets: Jeremiah regrets the day he was born. Jer 20:14-18 This is totally counter-productive. Replaying the past in your head, trying to achieve a better outcome, has no effect on reality. It is a total waste of time. “do not cry over spilt milk” Embrace your mistakes and makes them lessons. There is no waste in Nature, everything is recycled to create new life. Learn to use mistakes, failures, miss-haps, and even bad circumstances to rise, to grow, to produce new life.
- Shame, guilt, condemnation: Learn to discern between misplaced-shame, and good healthy shame. Peter explains that Christians who do what is right have no reason to feel ashamed for what is right. Yet when they do wrong, they will stand ashamed.1 Pet 4:16. Therefore there is no condemnation in Christ Rom 8:1. Most people feel guilty all the time, or that they are not good enough. Surely they have not yet been awakened to His righteousness. 1 Cor 15:34 and have not yet received His sonship. John 1:12.
- Futile thoughts. Job 15:31; Ps 94:11 “became futile in their thoughts” 2 Kin. 17:15; Jer. 2:5; Eph. 4:17. Not serving God is futility. Sin leads your thought to become dull. You cannot think straight. There is no outcome. If I have to go and do this: Will God be glorified? 1 Corinthians 10:31 Will it build, edify or breakdown? 1 Cor 14:26 Can anyone do something about it? James 1:22 (Doers of the Word) What will be the end-result? What will be the fruit or consequences? What will be the outcome? Is it faith? 2 Cor 13:5; Is it scriptural? Heb 4:11; Is it faith? 2 Cor 13:5 Is it scriptural? Heb 4:11 Does it reflect the fruit of the Spirit? Gal 5:21-22
- Cause & Effectthinking (The book of Job, his friends was locked into this type of thinking) Some religious people can only think in linear patterns of cause and effect, black and white, dualism. Beware of overthinking, analysing… the thought is perfected in the doing, not the thinking. The friends of Job were convinced that the cause of Job detriment was his sin, if he would only repent, God will favour him again. In the end none of them knew God, not even Job. God is sovereign. He can do anything.