SIT - Always our First step in the Spirit

If you learn to rest more, you will see more provision, more victory, more revelation, more healing in your life! Mat 11:28
We do not know how to rest: The world and schools has only taught us to compete, strive, contend, fight for your rights. Jesus taught us to give up our life. (Mat 16:24-26)
Peace is eternity now. The Kingdom within Luk 17:21 is to have peace within. Rom 14:17
Romans 14:17 [After all] the kingdom of God is not a matter of [getting the] food and drink [one likes], but instead it is righteousness (that state which makes a person acceptable to God) and [heart] peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.
We war with peace: In the Kingdom everything works to the opposite of man. First will be last etc… When we are at peace we win, conquer, rule, reign, overcome! 19 For your obedience has become known to all. Therefore I am glad on your behalf; but I want you to be wise in what is good, and simple concerning evil. 20 And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen. (Rom 16:19-20)
A baby learns to sit first before he starts to stand and walk. The Christian life also begins with sitting. God “raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”. (Ephesians 2:6) How well we walk after that depends on how well we sit and rest in the finished work of Christ.
The only “work” left for us to do today is to enter His rest. We are to labor every day to enter His rest. We are to rest inwardly and believe that the work is done because it is a finished work, and trust in God’s undeserved favor toward us. We are to rest in Jesus our true ark, who will carry us through tempestuous waters. One of the first doctrines of the church foundations is – repentance of dead works. Heb 6:1
So today, “if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts… be diligent to enter that rest”. (Hebrews 4:7, 11) Let’s enter His rest. Let’s enjoy sitting together with Christ in the heavenly places, (Eph 2:10)
Rest implies “waiting” – then we will run and not be weary! (Isaiah 40:31)
Eze 44:18 The priest should not wear anything that causes sweat.
The ultimate prize, nourishment, comfort, ecstasy, rapture, peace and rest the whole world is seeking are found in God. He is our rest. The more you’ll know Him, the more you will rest.
We do not trust Him, because we do not know Him. The world’s alternative of Devine rest is drugs, holidays trips, money etc.
Isa 50:60 “They have forgotten their resting place.
Faith is a place of rest: Running with the medal in my pocket.
The thing that steals your peace will reign over you
The battle is not to get peace, but to keep it.
The enemy’s intend is to steal you peace.
Remain in the rest of faith
20 Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you complete in every good work to do His will, working in you what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen. (Heb 13:20-21)